Sunday, February 25, 2018

Traveling + Healthy food + Kids

  • 3 Cups quick cooking oats (you can use old fashion if you want a chewier version)
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 C walnut butter (or choice of nut butter)
  • 3/4 C honey
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
    • Instructions: 
    1. Preheat oven to 325°
    2. Melt honey and walnut butter
    3. In a separate bowl mix oats, salt and cinnamon
    4. Add vanilla in honey and butter mixture
    5. Combine all ingredients
    6. Layout on a baking pan (I use natural wax paper)
    7. Bake for 10 minutes then toss
    8. Bake for another 5-10 minutes.  Watch carefully as it may burn if you let it bake too long.

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    About Me

    This blog started as a hobby for many reasons. It later became a way to keep the family up to date on our micro preemie baby, Ethan. Now as Ethan is nearing the 8 year mark with a little sister of 5 years I am finding a new reason to document on this blog.

    Last year we were told by the school that Ethan had cerebral palsy, a blindspot and dyslexia. That is what started it all. I started taking him to doctors to find out what was going on and why this hasn't been discovered before now. In April 2017 we were told that he has executive functioning disorder. What the heck is EFD I thought?!?! After the doctor explaining it to us he basically said that if we don't start making changes now he could fall into the ADHD or possibly the autism category. Ok... so now what? What can we do?!? Well this blog is my way of documenting it all not only for me but also to help others find their way thru similar situations.

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